Centro Espirita Allan Kardec - 9635 Southern Pine blvd suite 135, Charlotte nc
Centro Espirita Allan Kardec - 9635 Southern Pine blvd suite 135, Charlotte nc
Our thank you to The Salvation Army CLT (Center of Hope) for allowing us to be a tiny part of such a beautiful and important community service project. We'll be back next month!
Foi maravilhoso poder estar com voces e ajudar - Niedja
Foi muito bom mesmo. Se pudesse eu ficaria la' o dia inteiro - Fatima
Agradecendo a Deus a oportunidade de servir e de agradecer por tudo que temos - Sandra
We are committed to helping our community the way we can. We believe that every little bit helps. That if we all do a little bit, as a whole, we can do a lot to change our community for the better, and maybe one day, and hunger and homelessnes
Roof Above is an interfaith nonprofit organization. Their mission is " To unite the community to end homelessness, one life at a time."
It is an honor to be able to help Roof Above with the little we have to give
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9635 southern pine blvd, suite 135 Charlotte NC
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